31 December 2011

Extraplaner Mining: Buying Time? Soloed it!

I broke down and purchased the Cannith Challenges update to DDO about a week ago. This did a number of things for me:

1- I could toss all those ridiculous single tokens for missions and clear up almost an entire tab of inventory.

2- Opened up the challenges for me to explore on a whim.

3- Gave me a new goal in life: The level 16 version of The Cloak of Flames. Daddy has want.

To earn the Cloak of Flames I need 600 jade scorpions, 600 mephit wings, and 600 Arcanaloth Scrolls. To translate that further, to earn the cloak of flames I need to beat the Lava Caves: Colossal Crystals, Extraplaner Mining: Buying Time, and Extraplaner Mining: Labor Shortage Challenges a bunch of times.

Basically when I'm not playing with the Team Spode static group, I'm soloing. I'm not one to hang with the guildies or PUG a lot. Personally I'd rather solo unless I have a bunch of friends online that I know and trust (yeah, that's saying a lot for my guild isn't it--Hey! They supply me with guild ship buffs and I supply them with Favor . . . it's a relationship built on practicality more than love).

I'm happy to say that I've been perfecting my solo skillz with Lava Caves: Colossal Crystals since the last time I posted about it. I've got it down now where I don't need to purchase extra hirelings. I just simply park my cleric at the teleporter spot and run off to kill stuff on my own. I've almost got it to the point where I can get two progenitor crystals, but man is that tough. I haven't quite made that mental breakthrough yet. When I do though, you'll hear about it here.

The next challenge I've been soloing is Extraplaner Mining: Buying Time. I'm going to say this challenge is about 10 times easier than Colossal Crystals . . . and about 10 times more profitable. I usually leave this instance with two supply chests in my inventory and about 5,000 exp richer for my efforts, and this is playing on the level 12 and 13 difficulty when I'm level 17!

Here's how I do it:

1- zone into the instance and summon my level 17 cleric. I immediately buff myself and my cleric as much as I can.

2- I begin gathering up all the torches except for the one in the middle and the one leading off to the left.

3- I purchase extra time from the foreman and as many torches as are available from the crystals my kobolds have already farmed.

4- kill the first "incoming" wave. (doesn't take long)

5- begin by laying down my torch path to the left. Eventually my path looks a little like this:

6- I lay down the first five torches in building my eventual pathway and then run back to the entrance.

7- Kill the next incoming wave. After this, I usually buy additional time and more torches, extra kobolds, and kobold barrels.

8- I run back and lay down the next five torches in building my eventual pathway (laying down extra barrels if I have them and killing all the baddies in my pathway as well) and then run back to the entrance.

9- Kill the next incoming wave. (If I can, I buy even more additional time even though this kills one of the star objectives I'm going for).

10- At this point, you should have made your quota, and I just stay put for the next incoming wave because it's usually a horrible named that will just tear the kobolds apart . . . and surprise surprise, she looks like an old familiar foe of Team Spode!

11- For my final HOORAH I drag my cleric along with me and finish up my path. About 33% percent of the time, there will be a spirit dragon in the room I went toward. I summon up my efreeti buddy and we all lay the smack down on the dragon.

12- By this point my mana is usually at empty and I'm relying on Echoes of power for damage. Kobolds will start to die back at the entrance and time will tick down to 0:00 and the challenge will complete. Congratulations, time to profit and do it all over again.

I really like this challenge. I've heard some negativity about them, but this particular challenge isn't one I'd gripe about. It rocks in fact.

Let me know if you have any extra hints or tips on this instance, and I'll update this post with them.


Happy Dueling!

27 December 2011

Bursting Yaulthoon's Harbinger of Madness Bubble

Last night was a lot of fun. Team Spode was warned about the final boss in the "In the Flesh" quest by Ekeiram, and definitely Yaulthoon is not an easy fight . . . even on normal mode, but Team Spode would not be deterred! Even if we went an hour OT on our regular playing time.

The night started out pretty mellow. We just needed to help Tony finish up the Sinister Storage quest since for some reason he didn't get flagged as completing that quest last week. Basically this quest asks you to defeat waves of "sinister" Xoriat baddies as they flood into a storage room. Unlike the good ol' Protect Baudry's Interests level 2 quest, there's no giant crate of supplies to protect. This is just straight up slaughter as you wipe out all the Thraak Hounds, Mind Flayer Mages, and creepy Taken as you can until Mahlurat (a flesh-render of the nastier variety) shows up.

There was nothing much to report from this quest other than Team Spode was victorious! A couple Staffs of Fleshshaping dropped for us. MAN, so upset the Staff of Fleshshaping has the same look as my Master Transmuter's Staff. Ahhh well. :)

Compared to Spode's new sword, the INSANITY, the looks of my meager weapon is definitely nothing to get excited about. Here's a short exchange from last night where we discuss the size of Spode's sword.

In the Flesh is a great instance and definitely an epic ending to the Harbinger of Madness quest series. How often do you get to be trapped in a mind flayer's mind, being blasted with Psyionics in DDO? I'm not sure, but I think I'll put this experience down as "unique" to the game.

Since I finally figured out that Fraps was the answer to my problem of not being able to record what I'm saying while videoing AND since I'm in kind of a video mood today, I'll just let the combat video speak for itself. (need to turn down the pick up of my headset mic so that I'm not subjecting people to the background sounds of my real life home LOL)

Of course, that victory was after about an hour of trying to figure out exactly how to go about killing this thing. The first time we saw the globes coming at us, I thought, well . . . perhaps you have to hit them back at him baseball style. (scratch)

Not much longer after that we figured out that the bubbles would burst the bubbles holding Yaulthoon's prisoners. The DM's voice helped us realize that made yaulthoon susceptible to damage. Thanks DM!

The real problem was with that horrifically beautiful Mind Thrust ability from the Mind Flayer. Every time we'd get Yaulthoon down to about 15% life left, he'd just rip us apart with these beautiful strands of pink death. On the third attempt we decided to check DDO Wiki and see what we missed. What we had missed were (as I so eloquently state in the above video) "those darn pods around his feet."

That made all the difference.

The other major challenge from In the Flesh came in the form of what is known as a doomsphere. From what the wiki is telling me, there are only three doomsphere mobs in the game. Dead Pykzyl (which surely is a street name of saying Dead Pickle) wiped us a couple times as well . . . we'll be back to destroy you Mr. Dead Pickle! We're saving our revenge for the upcoming weeks.

At the end of the day and largely thanks to the sweet 20% exp bonus going on during the holidays, Ulan dinged 15 and I upped my level to 17. Spode finished two of the three 1500 kill quests in Gianthold, and now is only 3 ranks behind my exp lead in the group. Just between us, I think he's on a mission to pass me by. :D

Of other news, it's good to hear that Lessah is back amongst the community! Cocktail Hour's X-mas special was a good one! Also, can't forget to mention DDOCast's Holiday special as well. I've been downloading back episodes of DDOCast lately and listening to them on my drive to work.

I gotta figure out a segment . . . I just gotta!

Happy Dueling!

21 December 2011

Say Hello Please!

Heya!  I just wanted to take a quick inventory of all those who've been dropping by my DDO blog lately.  Please, if you have this site marked in a feed or just check here every once in a while, I'd love to have you give me a shout out in the comments just to say hello.

Feel free to introduce yourself, tell me what server you're playing on, or just say hi!

Sometimes I wonder who is stopping by randomly through Google searches, and who actually drops by when I make a post.  I'd love to build a nice reader base on this blog, and I have some tricks up my sleeve for the future of this blog that I think you will all enjoy.  If you have any suggestions, make 'em!  I'm all ears, or eyes as the case may be.  I'm all about improving.

Thanks in advance for taking the time to say hello.  I have commenting approval turned "on" for this blog, so you may not see your comment appear immediately, but I'm always checking my various blogs throughout the day to approve comments.

Peace and Happy Dueling!

20 December 2011

Harbinger of Madness vs. Diablo II

You have a lot of madness in DDO. Madness seems to be a Turbine developers favorite psychosis. The Path to Madness. The Maze of Madness. Madstone Crater. And now The Harbinger of Madness, which is really just a setup for the Reign of Madness, right? There's so much madness that it's enough to drive someone to the Chamber of Insanity!

I don’t blame Turbine for all this madness though, I blame . . . Madness!

Insider's perspective: when Madness sings "Our House," they're talking about the House of Xoriat they're trying to establish in Stormreach.

So, I can tell you right now, that Team Spode LOVES Harbinger of Madness. I made the comment over e-mail today that I think Harbinger of Madness is less about the exp (which is “ok” not “killer” though), and more about the loot. We had three unique drops on Normal mode from random chests that were some of the best pieces we’ve seen yet in our little ragtag band of mid-high levelers.

Spode got a nice sword named Insanity (who doesn't want to fight madness with insanity?), and we saw some other loot that made us wonder what else we could find, DDO wiki has some promising items listed.

What else was nice is that the difficulty wasn’t too bad! At least on normal mode. There were a few mishaps here and there, but nothing horrifically ugly that we didn’t overcome. If hard mode brings better loot (as one would suspect), sign us up tenfold. The quest chain in total seems like it would take around 3 hours to complete. We only had two, so we left the last instance for next time we meet.

(The general consensus was that we weren’t planning on meeting Christmas day, so we’ll probably be meeting up on the evening of the 26th. And if that doesn’t work, we just may take a couple weeks off until the holidays are over.)

Ophiga had a great summation of our experience in Harbinger of Madness, and to be honest, I don’t have a whole lot more to add. I would like to say that this quest series so far has been creepy awesome! Two thumbs up! Children missing from a school? Cocoons harvesting flesh golems? Beholders? Mind flayers? Undead? Strange Camera seizures as you pass through particularly haunted rooms? Yup, Harbinger of Madness has exactly what I like!

I love quest series like this that evoke a certain mood and succeed while giving you challenging game play that isn’t too punishing and then finishing it all off with rewarding loot. That’s an art, and I feel the developers at Turbine did a great job right here. In a way, Team Spode has been playing through a lot of aging content where GOOD loot has been hard to come by in areas that were tuned to drop loot in a different age of DDO. Most of the gear we are wearing hasn’t come from the chests we’ve looted, but from sales at the auction house.

And that’s why Team Spode loves (Or at least why I love) Harbinger of Madness so far. It’s awesomeness is perfect for our little group. Please give us more of this. Yes, PLEASE. Failing missions in Cannith sucks. Failing Blue Dragon fights sucks. Complicated crafting recipes that require extensive farming sucks. Harbinger of Madness ROCKS. YES, PLEASE! I completed the dungeon, now give me the awesome loot. DONE. I don’t have to craft loot. I don’t have to cleanse loot. I don’t have to improve loot with a raid. I don’t have to do anything but profit. It’s like freaking Diablo II. YAY! The only thing that would make this better is if awesome loot and health potions just squished out of monster’s bodies when they died.

So from the bottom of my heart, thank you Turbine for the Harbinger of Madness. If this is what’s on the menu of the future, sign me up for seconds and thirds.

Happy Dueling

12 December 2011

Invaders are Made to Order! (Faction Night)

I actually hit Veteran status last week (finally) and it was a pretty awesome moment. I love knowing that I could totally skip levels 1-3 now on a character. I guess that means I can delete my son's level 3 paladin and reroll him level 4!

None of us were really feeling like doing a Cannith mission night, so we decided to do some lower 11-12 level stuff and have a touch of fun while getting some faction. First up for us was INVADERS!

Ophiga and Joe opted for cleric NPCs and then said I should choose another class for my NPC, so I went with the bard. This meant a night full of disco balls at every turn. All night it was like the DDO Dance Movie by CestLeVie1234 on Youtube:

I love the combination of otto's and firewall in screenshots. There is nothing cooler than fire and disco at the same time. In fact, I have a new favorite screenshot from last night where one of the rolling dark matter orbs rolled in view of the camera. Check this out:

Love it!

INVADERS! is completely packed with Beholders. We tried this one on a random night back when Lessah was in the group and failed miserably. Ahh the difference of four levels. We were a total wrecking ball on this instance. Many beholders were felled! RAWR!

I actually wouldn't mind running that instance a few times again for the beholder optic nerves necklace and some more faction. ONWARD TO CHAMPION STATUS!

So the back story on the Invaders quest is as such:

Xoriat, you know that crazy plane of craziness, er madness? Well, all the crazies from Xoriat got together and thought it'd be wicked awesome to head to Xen'drik and kick some butt here, and what better place to start than good ol' Stormreach Sewers. They've got some insider human cultists working here, and, I mean, if you're going to clear a place out, totally head for where the new players are. Right? Makes sense to me. (If I was a giant dragon wanting to cause a cataclysm, I'd head for Stormwind right off the bat. Whoops, wrong game) That's like page 1 of the evil invader handbook right there.

NO WORRIES! Team Spode was there there to stop their plans! Here's how the XP report rolled out.

Next up for the evening was a House Kundarak quest called Made to Order.

You know, behind every crazy contraption in Dungeons and Dragons Online, there's a tinker out there (an artificer if you will) making their gizmos and gadgets "made to order" for all the dragonmarked houses of Eberron. Deneith needs weapons for their mercenaries, Jorasco needs 'em for their defibrillators, Phiarlan needs them for creating special movie effects (better than pixar, those tinkers), and Kundarak goes for the oversized security golems. And here is where Team Spode's intervention was required.

Buried away in the Black Forest, we find a special artificer named Haywire. What kind of crazy tinker in the tinker biz would name themselves after a defective wiring state? That's hardcore! That'd be like a doctor nicknaming himself, "Amputator."

That aside, Hazra in House Kundarak had a real problem on her hands, Haywire (His real name is Phinneas Hayward btw) hasn't sent word for quite a while, and Hazra is getting antsy for more golems.


Haywire's abode is a crazy track-filled lava pit. At one point I sprung off the rails and broke into a bar of Ozzy Osborn's Crazy Train . . . 'cause I was going off! You know, the rails! On a crazy train! . . . yeah . . . that joke didn't go over well did it. I tried though.

If the Invaders quest was all about beholders, Made to Order is all about the golems. Clay golems, Iron golems, and of course, the final mega construct: a Marut gone bad!

As it turns out, Haywire thought he'd fix up a Marut named ARN-01D (or Arnold if you're into nicknames) and bring in some big bucks. Too bad that thing turned on him when it found out Haywire was trying to make himself into a cyborg with an awesome arm implant. Silly Haywire, doesn't he know that Marut are Inevitables? That kind of silly behavior ain't natural. He must be terminated!

Basically the dungeon is a hack n slasher in a semi-straight path. You just follow the rails and make sure you collect all the seals on your way. If you don't, you'll most likely have to backtrack a bit like we did. Apparently the end of the instance is one that used to be exploitable through pulling the Marut towards the group hiding outside its room. The all you have to do is range it to death. That isn't Team Spode style though. We went in with guns blazing!

Here's how the final xp report looked.

OH DANG. Look at my numbers for breakables! I'm such a halfling: can't leave anything untouched. Luckily our bonuses helped make up for that super harsh -75% exp loss from being so overpowered for the instance. hehe.

Good times.

Next week Ulan returns and we get to deal with more Xoriat craziness as Team Spode delves into the Harbinger of Madness quest line. Can't wait!

Happy Dueling!

09 December 2011

Colossal Crystals? Soloed it!

I don't know if you've ever done this . . . you know, where you kind of replay a defeat in your head only imagining how to win until it kind of drives you crazy and you have to try it just to get it out of your head? No? Well that's what happened to me. I couldn't get our defeat in Colossal Crystals from Sunday out of my mind. I thought it through, and I believed I knew what I needed to do to win so I thought, "What the heck! I can solo this thing!"

And I did!

Here's how it worked for me:

I bought an extra cleric and a barbarian from the DDO store before zoning into the instance. I decided to run it on Level 10 difficulty just to make sure I could pull it off since it was all in my head at the moment.

I parked the barb and extra cleric right next to the kobold teleporter pad on aggressive/stand in place mode facing forward. I bought two teleporters with the crystals, gathered up all the extra torches and bought a few more with crystals.

One teleporter went down right on the pad at the entrance. The other went in my back pocket. Then I took a cleric, invis’d both her and me, hasted us, put the cleric on passive/follow, and ran to the progenitor crystal in the semi-straight ahead direction, jumping past the baddies, and looting all the crests I could along the way.

I was lucky enough to find an octopus crest on the way in (this was a very good thing as the crests don’t seem to always be in the same locations). Then I laid torches from the progenitor crystal back to the nearest glowing two-way teleporter spot, killed everything in the path of the torches, laid down that spare teleporter, and watched the kobolds pour in!

My little kobold buddies looted all the crystals in their path until it was cleaned out, then one kobold started running toward the progenitor crystal. I buffed this little guy as he ran toward the crystal with everything I had, stone skin, blur, resists--you name it, I put it on him.

After my kobold buddy looted the mega crystal, about 3 waves of enemies started to spawn included some named mobs. Since it was level 10 difficulty, this didn't prove too difficult to clear.

Then I followed the kobold through the teleporter and helped the parked but active NPCs kill the mess of monsters that was around the entrance teleporter.

The kobold with the giant blue crystal ran in for the win and bada bing bada boom . . . YES! Win!

I then found myself unable to use the main teleporter to get back to the second teleporter, I don't know if that's planned or a bug, but I had to run back to where I was, which takes a couple minutes. By this time, it was pretty clear I wasn’t going to get any of the optionals, so I just let the timer run out and received 14 scorpions for completing the instance on level 10 difficulty.

I'm not sure, but I imagine it's a lot more scorps for higher difficulties. Soloing this at higher difficulties is totally next! But for now, I'm just happy I ran through the scenario I had been rehearsing in my mind to conclusion.

A win is a win. ;p

Looking forward to Sunday and Team Spode's further adventures!

Happy dueling

07 December 2011

The Search for Lightning-Split Soarwood

Team Spode does a lot of e-mailing back and forth in the week between our regular Sunday night adventures. (Lately, Spode and I are logging on daily to grab our Cannith Tokens and maybe even hitting an instance.) The chat around the e-mail campfire has been all about the hunt for Lightning-Split Soarwood. Spode has been busy upgrading some of his gear with Eldritch Rituals and the +1 to saves ritual has been making both of us drool a bit. When we checked the recipe out, we saw that you needed four Lightning-Split Soarwoods. A quick check at the auction house showed that they were going for about 100,000 plat each.

Our reaction was kind of like Finn and Jake's reaction when Tree Trunks takes a bite of the ultimate apple:


All of my emoticons from that point forward for the rest of the day were like.




Looking up the DDO Wiki on where to find that Lightning-Split Soarwood made me :( though because it's apparently uber rare, which is why it's so much money . . . makes sense I suppose. I'm lucky enough to have two hiding in my bags at the moment . . . now what to do with those. Hmmmm. +1 to all saves or sell on auction house? *taps chin*

SO, the past couple of nights have been spent in The Tide Turns, going for that rubble pile down with the rats. In fact, we decided to run the entire instance on elite just to finish up the factioning there that we hadn't done. It's amazing how a few levels makes things cake . . . a far cry since we did that instance as a group, yo.

My big discovery was the new Artificer end reward for completing the Tide Turns. Look at this thing!

CHIMERA'S BREATH! Oh man, seeing loot like this really makes me want to roll an artificer. LOL

Anyway, any suggestions for hunting for Lightning-split Soarwood would be appreciated. As far as I can tell, it's all about making sure you hit those rubble piles everywhere you go.

Happy Dueling!

05 December 2011

It's All About The Challenges!

First, we begin with the theme song for the Cannith Challenges:

Ahhh, Cannith Challenges . . . ne'er before have words sung more true:

It's all about the challenges.
It's a brand new game
and a brand new world.
New rivals,
as you fight for survival.

Who knew the ultimate strats of these Cannith Challenges would be unveiled with such eloquence:

It's all about the battle.
You gotta play smart.
You gotta move faster behind
every win there's a chance to begin, again!
You gotta take it all if you wanna be a master...

I'd love to hear good old Clankenbeard sing that tune. It was definitely the tune I was singing to Glaive the Warforged bartender all night as I visited him time and again for a mana refill:

Glaive took my money and I tipped him with my pokemon knowledge.

So Team Spode was down a member. As you might recall, Ulan is off gallivanting among the drug lords in Mexico, enjoying the heck out of the resorts and beaches down there. Crazy Canadian needs his sun to handle the upcoming months of cold. Don't blame him.

That left Ophiga, Spode, and I to fend for ourselves for the night. We had never tried the Cannith Challenges, so we decided to give a couple of them a go. The first one we tried was Lava Caves: Colossal Crystals.

Since we had never been in here before, we formulated a plan to kind of run things like a pirate cove adventure . . . Keep one person near the foreman and the main camp to kill the incoming baddies and Spode protects me and the kobolds as we built a path of torches trying to collect as many crystals as we can. This seemed to be going ok at first until we realized that, well, 200 some odd crystals out of 10,000 wasn't so hot and we hadn't really found any progenitor crystals to speak of.

no no no. We're missing something. hmmmm. (strike)

Our second time through we opened up the DDO wiki page and that didn't tell us a lot, but at least we had a map with some white arrows that seemed to indicate the position of a progenitor crystal.

Again we formulated a plan and started out building a torch path to the left. The only problem there was that there was no way in the world we were going to gather enough torches to stretch to the big square room we were shooting for. It was just far too long of a run.

Spode decided to just keep following the path and see if he could encounter these "gates" that we had read about and that we were collecting crests to unlock. Spode finally found the gate +1 GIANT blue crystal (yay!) . . . and we ran out of time. (scratch)

The third time through we decided to try and walk the kobolds along in a path by removing a back torch and planting a front torch, removing a back torch, and planting a front torch, so as to "capture" the kobolds, and force them to walk along with us. That proved to be impossible since as soon as a kobold grabbed some ore, they made off to the exit like they knew where they were going. (scratch)

Unfortunately we only got three tries at this since Spode was out of tokens for this particular adventure, and we had to quit and move to something else.

What we realized at the end was this adventure was probably all about using the teleporters to get the kobolds to the progenitor crystals. There were some "hot spots" that glowed on the ground where (unbeknownst to us) you can plant a teleporter to create a two-way door for the kobolds to run through instead of it being a one-way trip. At least that's the theory. We'll have to try it out when we get some more tokens for that one for sure!

If I took a moment during writing this blog post to search "Lava Caves: Colossal Crystals" . . . Ah crap, found a walk through . . . and a really good one at that, thanks DDM's Realm!


The next challenge we had tokens for was Kobold Island: Short Cuts.

As was to be expected, our first time inside this challenge area was a blood bath. Here's me standing next to my soul stone and a couple of evil succubi. Great. Thanks Succubi.

Again, we were simply learning the ropes here at the beginning. The portals we clicked on weren't tied to the same location and the group quickly became separated and confused. We ran out of time, but managed to collect a few dragonshards and get the basics of the instance down. You need to get mechanical parts from Kobolds so that you can start running the dragonshard extractors. Once the dragonshard extractors start running, then they get attacked. Got it. Got my rez from Spode. Time runs out. (scratch)

On the second run through Kobold Island, we actually got a small extractor running and realized that there would be no way we could reach that objective with this thing running this slowly, and we decided to go find a large extractor we could start up. Wow! I've never fought one of these crazy teleporting demons before.

At least that was kind of fun!

What we then discovered was that those large extractors take dragonshards AND kobold parts to get running. DANGIT! Time runs out (scratch)

Glaive told me on my rest between attempt 2 and 3 that I should probably check my bags. He was totally right on there. I told the group they should check their bags and click on these supply crates in their inventories. LOOTS! (I think he was just trying to get me to stop talking about Charizard.)

Apparently any time you kill a red named, they give you these. Daddy likes!

On attempt 3 at the Short Cuts instance we finally understood that this was really like a tower defense game since you can purchase a turret to guard your crystal extractors. Ohhhhhhh! We even managed to upgrade a small extractor to Tier 2 and somehow make it so it wasn't working anymore. LOL.

Once again, we ran out of time . . . only this time we were out of time for the evening. (scratch)

Again, probably a simple search and reading DDM's write up on the Kobold Island Quest would have helped us quite a bit. No biggie. Team Spode runs things blind a few times . . . we like it that way.

So we learned a lot and had some fun for the evening. Got our noggins thinking, and I got to trade fire-type pokemon strats with the warforged behind the bar.

life is awesome

Happy Dueling!

02 December 2011

Awesome! Made it to the B list!


You know, I really would like to make this place somewhere where people who enjoy DDO like to come visit every once in a while. I feel like I'm one step closer by making it to the official fan site list for Dungeons and Dragons Online. (WOOT!)

Check it out: if you go to the fansite listing on the Compendium here and scroll alllllll the way down, TADA! There I am, Stormreach Sentinel . . . the slow one of the slow bunch. ;)

Can't thank Turbine enough for putting me on the map there. It's probably undeserved. If you have a DDO fansite or blog and you'd like to link share, just leave me a note.

Thanks for your time and thanks for visiting. Feel free to leave me a message, and I hope you make this blog a part of your RSS feed reader. I try to keep it entertaining around here. on that note . . . here's a great parody video from the WanderingMonster. :)

Happy Dueling